Prediction Book Tag


I wasn’t tagged in this tag, but it sounds like fun!

The rules for the Prediction Book Tag:
~ Pingback to the creator, the amazing Mandy & Sha @ Book Princess Reviews!
~ Tag the person who tagged you – myself!
~ Find an answer to match each prompt.
~ Most importantly: have fun!

Prediction for my NEXT READ Warcross (9780399547966): Lu, Marie: Books

This is the next book in my throwback challenge that I am doing. I haven’t done a reread of this after reading it the first time, I cannot wait!

Prediction for my NEXT 5-STAR READ

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City): Maas, Sarah J ...

My sister has been reading my copy and gave it back to me last night. I am planning on starting this tonight! I love both Sarah J Maas’ other series and hope to love this one just as much.

Prediction for my NEXT 1-STAR READ

The Vampire Journals

I just went to goodwill today and my sister picked out this super cheesy looking romance novel for me. I fully expect it to be hilariously bad, I mean its from 1994. I mean it could turn out good, but I am going in with very low expectations.


House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City): Maas, Sarah J ...

I am using crescent city again! I always fall in love with someone in Sarah J Maas novels. I am just predicting now that there will be someone I love in this novel!

Prediction for my NEXT BOOK BUY

These are all books that are the second or third in the series. I want to buy each of them, I just haven’t yet. Cant wait to read them all!


I can’t wait for this prequel to The Hunger Games. I just reread The Hunger Games and am dying for this book to come out. Considering how the series ended I feel like I will definitely be in a book hangover after reading this! I already have it preordered on amazon and am just waiting for May 21st!

If you want to do this tag, I tag you!

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments


Throwback Challenge: The Hunger Games

I haven’t read the Hunger Games since right before the movie came out. I remember being so entranced in this amazingly written book and I could barely put it down. I also remember thinking that the movie did a good job.

The first thing I noticed when picking up the book was that it looked quite small. I am now a person who likes to read 400-900 page books. The Hunger Games paperback is 374 pages, which is actually quite small for this book.

The Hunger Games (2012) - Rotten Tomatoes

As I have said in the past, one of the best parts about rereads is noticing things like details that weren’t in the movie.

The concept around this book was such an amazing idea. This is really the book that introduced the world to dystopian novels, not that it was the first one. After this came some amazing dystopians such as Divergent, The Maze Runner, and The Selection. Attention to detail is definitely a requirement when it comes to dystopian novels because you have to make the readers realize the true state of the world.

What to Know About the 'Hunger Games' Prequel | Time

Another thing I love about this book is the character development. In the beginning Katniss is unliked and very rough. Through the hunger games you see her evolve from an unliked and sheltered girl from the most unliked district. Through the people she is forced to interact with and the horrible reality that is the hunger games, she becomes a totally different person by the end of the book. I mean I don’t think anyone would be the same after living through and being forced to participate in a slaughter.

Three Finger Salute | The Hunger Games Wiki | Fandom

I am so happy that I added this to my throwback challenge. I honestly forgot how much I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments


I Was a Twihard

In 2009 my sister convinced me to go to a movie with her called Twilight, which was based off a book she had been trying to get me to read. My life was never the same.

Once I finished the movie my mind was blown. I was hooked, I even had my mom go buy the book for me. Before this I attested reading and never wanted to read anything! I finished the book within a week and after that I was hooked on reading!

Here are some photos:




In the photo with the cardboard cutout and Bella Italia are in Port Angeles, WA. In 2009 they had a dazzled by twilight store with all of the Twilight products you could think of and Bella Italia was based off of the Italian restaurant that Bella and Edward go to in the movie.

I saw Twilight 5 times while it was in theaters. I then proceeded to buy a very vast collection of Hot Topic Twilight products.

My twilight collection:

  • 5 posters
  • 5 shirts
  • 3 keychains
  • 1 Edward cardboard cutout
  • 1 Edward Pillowcase
  • Rosalie’s necklace
  • 2 copies of Twilight
  • Twilight magazine
  • Twilight tote bag
  • Edward action figure
  • Twilight lipgloss
  • Twilight perfume (in the shape of an apple)

I specifically became obsessed with vampire books that eventually led into loving all fantasy. I am so thankful for Twilight because it introduced me to my passion in life. Becoming obsessed with twilight led me from lower level English to honors English and eventually obtaining an English Literature Bachelors at 20 years old. Becoming obsessed with Twilight was the best

Since Midnight Sun is coming out in August I will definitely be doing a reread of the series before then.

Were you a twihard?

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments

The Currently Reading Book Tag

How many books do you usually read at once?

I am typically reading more than one at once. Though there is usually one that I am the most into. For instance right now I am reading P.S. I Like You and on my phone I am reading Tweet Cute, but I’m more into P.S. I Like You. Its usually two books, one physical copy and one on my phone.

If you’re reading more than one book at a time, how do you decide when to switch to reading the other book (do you read a certain amount of pages in each?)

I will usually do when I’m lounging in the house a physical copy and in bed on the phone. I will also read on my phone when I go out to eat or even at a bar!

Do you ever switch bookmarks while you’re part way through a book?

I don’t think I have ever done this, I always stay with the same bookmark.

Where do you keep the book(s) you’re currently reading?

Well I want book shelves, but the house I am currently renting has baseboard heating so I left most of my books at my parents house (they live 5 minutes away). Then my ebooks are on my kindle app on my phone.

What time of day do you spend the most time reading?

Recently I have spent the most time reading at nighttime, but it varies on the day.

How long do you typically read for in one go?

If I am into a book I will not put it down and will finish it if I can.  I would say my average is at least 100 pages at a time.

Do you read hard covers with the dust jacket on or off?

I leave the dust jacket on. For awhile I would take them off, but they always seemed to get lost or damaged that way.

Which position do you mainly use to read?

I usually prefer to stretch out on my couch or in my bed.

Do you take the book you’re currently reading with you everywhere you go?

It depends how into the book I am. If I am completely immersed into a book I will take it everywhere, but if Im not too into it I will leave it at home.

How often do you update your progress in the book you’re currently reading on Goodreads?

I try to keep updated while I’m reading, but lose track sometimes. I always record all my books on there though even if I already read them, so I can have my book count.

I’m tagging everyone who feels like doing it!

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments



The Currently Reading Book Tag was created by Charly Reynhorse.

Throwback Challenge: ACOMAF

I can officially say that A Court of Mist and Fury is still my all time favorite book!

Sarah J Maas packs all of the best parts of books into one! It has an amazing plot line, unbelievable character development, knock your socks off romance, and stunning world building. Some books that are the size of this one have too many events in them typically in my opinion,  but even plot point in this book is perfectly planned out and every event deserves and is required throughout this book. Most authors have all of the character development with the main characters finished by the end of the first book, it is amazing how Sarah J Maas develops character even further in the second book.

I think that this series is one of the best fantasy novels for sale. Sarah J Maas is just such an amazing author and cannot compare to any other books I have read, and I have read a lot. I would say the closest is Cassandra Clare, who is also a stunning writer. If you haven’t read the ACOTAR series, drop what you are doing and go buy this STUNNING series!!

If you have read them, what is your opinion on the series?

What book should I read next? (Hunger Games, Warcross, P.S. I Like You, When It’s Real, Eliza and Her Monsters)

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments


Throwback Challenge: ACOTAR

As you all know by now I am completely obsessed with Sarah J Maas. I love all of her books, but I read the A Court of Thorns of Roses series first. It holds a special place in my heart, I even have a tattoo for the second book.

Rereading this series is just as fun as the first time around because when you reread anything you will usually pick up on things you didn’t notice the first time around. Personally I am a very fast reader and sometimes I go so fast that I won’t pick up on all of the details. That is one thing I love about this series, Sarah is amazing at character and world building. It is not hard to imagine these beautiful worlds that she has graciously created for us.

One thing I love about rereading the series is that I know who’s going to end up with who and what happens at the end of the series. I love it because its so fun to see how the characters act when they first meet.

A Court of Thorns and Roses is the best retelling on the market in my opinion. Sarah J Maas starts it out as being a beauty and the beast retelling, but vastly takes a turn when she introduces all the amazing plot points. The second book is really where I lost my mind reading it the fist time. I cannot wait to read the second again because it is my all time favorite!!

Have you read this series? What are your thoughts?

psa I might be delayed on the next post because my boyfriends 2 year old is with us for two days and I want to spend the time with her! I will update by Friday!

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments


Throwback Challenge TBR

The genres that I typically like are fantasy, science fiction, and contemporary. For this challenge I have chosen a variety of the genres I love. All of these are previous reads that I Love.

  1. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas A Court of Thorns and Roses (9781619635180): Maas ...

This series is my all time favorite and has been since I read it when I was 19. Sarah J Maas creates an amazing fantasy world that you never want to leave. Each book in this series is so unbelievably amazing that you can read each in one sitting!

2. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses ...

This is the second one in the ACOTAR series and my all time favorite of the three in the series. I even have a tattoo on my arm that I drew based on this book.

3. P.S. I Like You by Kasie West

P.S. I Like You: West, Kasie: 9781338160680: Books

I have never really been into contemporary novels, but I always heard good things about Kasie west. This is the book that made me realize that some contemporary books can be amazing!

4. When It’s Real by Erin Watt When It's Real (9780373212521): Watt, Erin: Books

I loved this contemporary novel because it is so similar to all of the fan fiction that I used to read. Definitely one of the top contemporaries of the ones I’ve read!

5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) by Suzanne Collins

I read the Hunger Games before the Movie came out and I was so intrigued by the unique concept. Suzanne Collins definitely has a way with words and sucks every reader in.

6. Eliza and her Monsters by Francesca Zappia Eliza and Her Monsters (9780062290137): Zappia ...

This is another contemporary that I was super sure about reading, but once I started it I could not out it down! It is such a cute read.

7. Warcross by Marie Lu Warcross (9780399547966): Lu, Marie: Books

Warcross is such an out of this world read. I would say the closest thing to this book is Ready Player One, but I think Warcross is way better in my opinion. 10/10 recommend to anyone who loves science fiction and virtual reality!

I will update with my progress on this challenge!!

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments


Reading Challenge

Since I have been in a reading slump for so long, I am looking for a cure. Reading is my passion and I really want to get back into it. I think What I am going to try is to read 7 books that I absolutely adored when I read them the first time! Let call it the throwback challenge 😂

I am going to try to update on here as I go along. I will be posting the 7 books that are on the list today.

Join if you want or just follow me on my journey to rediscover my passion!

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments

What Have I Been Binging?

Since I am a bartender I was laid off due to the coronavirus. Since this is the case I have been at home and watching a lot of tv! Here is some of what I’ve been binging.


Legacies (Vampire diaries spinoff) 

Legacies (TV Series 2018– ) - IMDb

I started watching this because I used to be obsessed with vampire diaries!

The Originals  (Vampire diaries spinoff) 

The Originals TV Show: News, Videos, Full Episodes and More | TV Guide

I finished legacies and started watching this since it has some background with things that are in legacies.

How I Met Your Mother 

How I Met Your Mother (TV Series 2005–2014) - IMDb

One of my usuals that I watch at least once a year.

The Office

The Office -

My other usual that I watch once a year.


Rugrats Backdrop|Rugrats Party Banner|Rugrats|90s party – ubackdrop

My boyfriends daughter is 2 and LOVES rugrats, so I will watch it with her a lot.


From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments



To Be Read

Since I had been in a reading slump this past year, I have a lot of books I need to read!

Books I have started and not finished:

Archenemies by Marissa Meyer Archenemies (Renegades) (9781250078308): Meyer ...

Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe Book 2) eBook: Shusterman ...

Books I bought in my slump:

The Babysitters Coven by Kate Williams The Babysitters Coven (9780525707370): Williams, Kate ...

Superman: Dawnbraker by Matt de la Peña Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons Series) (9780399549656 ...

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City) by Sarah J Maas

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City): Maas, Sarah J ...

The Reckoning of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin The Reckoning of Noah Shaw (2) (The Shaw Confessions ...

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rodgerson Sorcery of Thorns (9781481497619): Rogerson, Margaret ...

Books I don’t own, but want:

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer A Heart So Fierce and Broken (The Cursebreaker Series ...

Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi Children of Virtue and Vengeance (Legacy of Orisha ...

I am hoping to tackle some of these amazing reads very soon! Have you read any of these? Have you been in a slump recently?

From your local bibliophile, until next time!

Twitter: bookinstruments

Instagram: thebookinstruments

Personal Snap: mikaylakennaugh